
Health & Medicine

Health & Medicine

Professional PR is particularly critical in the field of health and medicine. Professionalism and strategic clarity in communication are essential for being perceived as a credible voice in society and for creating sustainable public awareness.


Over the past 10 years, we have established ourselves in the German-speaking world as one of the leading PR agencies in the specialities of health and medicine. We conduct educational programmes and prevention campaigns for professional societies, medical institutions and government agencies and position experts as the first point of contact for diseases, treatment options and health policy issues.

Our specialisations

Science & Education

The success of scientific and educational institutions depends on their achievements being recognised by society. Professional science communication helps by making…

Tourism & Culture

The number of competing tourism regions, festivals and cultural events is enormous and at the same time the demands of the tourists themselves are constantly rising. A key factor…

Sustainable development

Sustainable measures and business practices are becoming increasingly important for the success of companies and organisations. Unsustainable practices and models…